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Privacy Policy

Korea-Australia Business Council (hereafter “KABC”) establishes and discloses the following privacy policy to stipulate the way of treatment of personal information, which is provided or collected in the website on which this Policy is posted, and to notify the way of efficiently handling related complaints according to Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act (hereafter “the Act”).

Purposes of collecting and using personal information

Personal information will not be used for purposes other than the following, and if the purposes of using personal information are changed, necessary measures, e.g. obtaining a separate consent, will be taken according to Article 18 of the Act.

  • For organizing events hosted by KABC
    To confirm registration status, to identify and approve participants, to provide information on related matters

Period for retention and usage of personal information

The retention period of the personal information collected in the website is 3 years. In any of the following events, however, personal information will be retained for the specified period.

  • ① If it is necessary to retain personal information according to laws, such as the Commercial Act, the transaction details and the minimum basic information will be retained for the retention period set forth in the laws
  • ② The retention period will be notified to members in advance, and if the retention period has not expired, and the consent of individual members was obtained, personal information will be retained for the promised retention period.

Information collected

The items collected by KABC are as follows :

  • Mandatory items : Name, organization, position, and e-mail address

  • Optional item : Mobile phone number

Out-of-purpose use and provision to a third party

KABC will process the personal information of users within the scope specified as the collection and use purposes, and except for the following events according to Article 17 and 18 of the Act, will not disclose personal information with a third party.

  • ① when the users consent to disclose in advance
  • ② when disclosure is required by the laws

For carrying out services, KABC will provide personal information to a third party to a minimum extent upon users’ consents as follows :

Recipients of information, Purpose of use of recipient table
Recipients of information Purpose of use of recipient
Federation of Korean Industries(FKI) Hosting KABC events
Items to be provided, Period of retention and use of recipient table
Items to be provided Period of retention and use of recipient
Name, organization, position, email address and mobile phone number Until the date when the purpose of use is achieved or period as required by the laws

KABC may provide personal information without consent of users to a relevant party in circumstances where it is deemed there is an emergency situations, such as hazards, infectious diseases or urgent event or accident that may occur imminent danger to life, bodily or property interests of the users.

Commission for collected personal information

KABC commissions an external professional company (subcontractor) to process personal information as follows:

Name of subcontractor, Description of commissioned services, Period of retention and usage of personal information table
Name of subcontractor Description of commissioned services Period of retention and usage of personal information
Intermajor Maintenance and operation of KABC website Until the end of commission

Procedure and method of destruction of personal information

KABC destructs the information without delay after the purposes of its collection and use have been achieved or when the period of retention and usage expires. The procedure and method of destruction of personal information are as follows :

  • ① Procedure of destruction of personal information : Personal information is destructed without delay when the retention period expires.
  • ② Method of destruction : Information in the form of electronic files is destructed beyond recovery, and information printed on paper is shredded or incinerated.

Privacy rights and obligations of users and legal representatives

Users or their legal representatives may exercise the following privacy rights at any time against KABC; to access, revise, delete or make suspension of treatment of personal information.
※ As for children under the age of 14, legal representatives have the right to access, revise, delete or make suspension of treatment of personal information. As for minors above the age of 14, users or their legal representatives are granted with those rights.
According to Article 35.5 and 37.2 of the Act, users may exercise their rights by contacting KABC in writing, email, fax, etc. KABC will then take action without delay. The right of users and their legal representatives to access or make suspension of treatment of personal information may be restricted in accordance with Article 35.4 and Article 37.2 of the Act.
Users may not be able to request to revise or delete personal information if the information is specified as an item that must be collected under other laws.
KABC will confirm whether the request to access, revise, delete, or make suspension of treatment of personal information is made by users themselves or their legal representatives.

Measure to obtain security

KABC takes technical, administrative, and physical measures to ensure the security of personal information. KABC applies antivirus program and SSL certificates, keeps the number of personal information managers to a minimum and provides regular training of security measures.

Chief Information Officer

KABC has designated the CIO and an employee in charge of personal information as below in order to protect personal information and handle complaints.

  • Chief Information Officer
    • Name : Jaewan Lee
    • Division : Global Relations Team, POSCO Holdings
    • Tel : +82-2-3457-0166 / jaewan@posco-inc.com
  • Division in charge
    • Name of division : Global Relations Team, POSCO Holdings
    • Contact (1) : Hong Jee Lee, +82-2-3457-0764, hl2562@posco-inc.com, (Fax: +82-2-3457-6000)
    • Contact (2) : Eunjo Lee, +82-2-3457-1362, eunjolee@posco-inc.com, (Fax: +82-2-3457-6000)

Users may contact the personal information managers above for any inquiry or complaint with regard to personal information. KABC will take necessary measures, and notify the result to the users without delay.

Request to access personal information

Uses may file a request for access to personal information to the following department in accordance with Article 35 of the Act. KABC will take effort to promptly process the request.

  • Department/person in charge of receiving and handling requests to access personal data
    Eunjo Lee, Manager, Global Relations Team, POSCO Holdings (Tel: +82-2-3457-1362, e-mail: eunjolee@posco-inc.com, Fax: +82-2-3457-6000)

Remedies for infringement of rights

From the following institutions, you may inquire about relief for damage and consultation on personal information infringement.

  • 1. Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee
    Website: kopico.go.kr / Tel: (no area code necessary) 1833-6972
  • 2. Personal Information Infringement Report
    Website: privacy.kisa.or.kr / Tel: (no area code necessary) 118
  • 3. Cyber Investigation Department, Prosecution Service
    Website : www.spo.go.kr / Tel : (no area code necessary) 1301
  • 4. Cyber Bureau, Korean National Police Agency
    Website : http://cyberbureau.police.go.kr / Tel : (no area code necessary) 182

Obligation to notify policy changes

Should KABC makes any addition, deletion or modification due to changes in Privacy Policy, KABC will provide notification of any change along with the reasons on the website at least 10 days before any such change is made.

This Privacy Policy is effective as of 16 July, 2023.
